Transport and Main Roads corporate forms
Forms are currently available for downloading as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. PDF software is usually included with most computers, but if your computer does not have a PDF reader, you can also download this software for free from various websites.
F2121 - Release of Information Application
Find out more about requesting the release of licence and traffic history.
Online services available
You can access some licensing information through our online services instead of using this form.
Online services for licensing information
Tips for applying in person
Before you apply, make sure you:
- check the postal address we have on file and update it if it's not current
- know where you can apply in person and their opening hours
- have the originals of your evidence of identity if you're applying in person.
- Form number:
- F2121
- Title:
- Release of Information Application
- Version:
- Jun 2024
- Form size:
- 741 kb
- Document information
- Forms must be printed on white A4 size paper.