Transport and Main Roads corporate forms

Forms are currently available for downloading as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. PDF software is usually included with most computers, but if your computer does not have a PDF reader, you can also download this software for free from various websites.

F3517 - Vehicle/Queensland Regulated Ship Cancellation of Registration Application

Steps to cancel your registration

Note: You will need to surrender the number plates or provide a number plate surrender receipt unless not required.

CheckChecklist for cancelling registration

To avoid delays in your cancellation being processed, please make sure that:

More information on cancelling registration

SignatureThis form can be signed digitally

To sign the form digitally:

More information on signing forms digitally

Form number:
Vehicle/Queensland Regulated Ship Cancellation of Registration Application
Mar 2024
Form size:
966 kb
Document information
Forms must be printed on white A4 size paper.